Week 5

This afternoon in our Tech Ed course we touched on topics of inclusion in our classrooms and the importance of adjusting teaching to accommodate learners of different capacities. I was suddenly struck by the functionality of all of the technology at our fingertips. It is incredible that in todays world we are able to have students distantly participate in classroom lessons via zoom and video conferencing. Not only can they see their fellow classmates but they are able to listen in as the instructor delivers the days lecture. This also allows for the distant learner to actively participate through a live audio mic or respond on the Apps messenger chat. The chat is then projected through screen share onto a large monitor at the front of the room for their peers to read. I’m encouraged by these advancements and the efforts being made to provide content access to individuals with various needs. Inclusion should always be made a priority and I believe it is the role of the teacher to creatively tailor lesson plans/activities for students who may require extra assistance or who have diverse learning needs. This could also mean building appropriate scaffolding while delivering content in a mode suitable for the child’s abilities.

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