Tuning in to Turn OUT!

This week I have been feeling extremely fatigued. I think school burn out mixed with lack of sleep is starting to take a toll. I also have this nagging tiredness that is most likely pointing to my losing battle with anemia. I made an appointment with my Doctor to get my blood taken and check my ferritin and hemoglobin levels. As I am fairly familiar with the tell tale signs of my iron plummeting I went out and picked up a bottle of Floradix. It’s my favourite liquid iron supplement and is fairly benign on my digestion. The only hitch is that I can’t take it within 30 minutes of ingesting caffeine, which one might think is an easy enough task, but, the full body fatigue tends to leave me reaching for coffee at all hours of the day.. it’s a vicious cycle :/

I’ve also decided I need to add more protein to my meals to keep me going throughout the day and support muscle growth. I found this vegan pea protein that seems promising albeit tastes like cardboard on its own. Undetectable in a smoothie though.

Additionally I’ve begun including a heaping scoop of hemp heart to my morning routine. Need those extra omega fats to fuel my brain function!

Finally I’ve decided to order a greens powder to round out my vitamin/mineral intake and to aid in the absorption of my iron (iron requires vit C as well as b12 to properly absorb)

Hoping this change in diet will have me feeling back in tip top shape again soon. Needless to say I have momentarily scaled back my training as it’s all I can do to shlep around the four corners of my apartment.

To be continued…

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